A normal Thursday, a normal rushing morning as I'm almost late for work, a normal little and plain breakfast session, well despite the whirlwind inside my head everthing seems normal after I woke up.

HOWEVER, after I'm done folding my blanket and my quilt, I picked up my soft toys that I kicked down from my bed during my sleep, I saw a little insect which a lot of people called it "Little Keong", or Devolulu's version: "Keong Zai" crawling away beneath one of my soft toys =.= For those who know me well, you can easily imagine my face would look like this when I see the species of keong zai--->

I hesitated for like 0.5 sec to decide whether to hit it with the soft toy in my hand or wait and hope it crawls out of my room by its own will, but.... I realize the latter is impossible as it turned and ran into underneath my bed. T.T wuuuu... there goes my roach-free room...

I didn't try to hunt the cockroach since I was running out of time in the morning. So after work I went to Giant Bayan Baru, bought a box of cockroach traps and set up 3 of them in my room ^.^ heee heeee.... Hope I can trap it soon, coz I don't want it to be be near me in anyway! Come out kiong zai~~~ wherever you are~~~

Congratulations to yikoko for being part of the winning team of the first time ever USM dota competition~!

~ (^.^) ~

I wana see replay, eh?

连续两晚都无法一觉到天亮,半夜就被梦整醒, 有点累掉的感觉涅。

或许由于这些日子都在想一些让我无法决定的事情,所以才会令我的睡眠不规律吧。我时常在想,我现在有个定时的工作,有一班不错的朋友,有一些不错的同事,有一位不错的男朋友,每天都开开心心地让我忘了很多烦恼,所以我是否应该就此打住,为我现有的人和物感到满足, 不要再冒险去尝试新的工作环境或寻找薪水更高的工作机会呢?

其实现在身边的朋友们都很不错,很喜欢可以开心得不需要顾及形象放肆大笑的感觉,我想我前世一定是男生 =.= 但是有点讨厌自己被介绍给其他人认识的时候wor……大家都是大学毕业,要不就是还在念书,只有我和一位好友没上过大学。昨晚和好友谈话的时候提起,其实我们俩读书时功课不错,如果家里当初的经济状况允许,我们俩现在也是不懂哪一所大学的毕业生吧 XD 但是现实总与愿违,如今初认识的朋友得知我不是什么工程师或从事任何专行的时候,他那一幅不好意思的表情还真令人难受呢。 如果……我进入新的行业,尝试新事物,会不会就不会这么尴尬呢?

 早一阵子想要当教师,但是有人却劝说在这种时势该暂时放弃理想,在现实活下来再打算才是真。>.< 还真矛盾。

为了避免自己再发那些有的没的梦,本小姐想想不可继续任由自己的大脑操控我的梦里人生,非采取行动不可 >.<

昨晚跟哥哥借了空气清新器,睡在刚换好床单的床上,在冷气房里盖了两层被单,然后把大的熊仔们堆在身旁,小的熊熊放在身上……噢,好有安全感呐。而且咋看之下感觉还真梦幻,偶树公主~ 哦呼呼…… 恶梦来吧,Bring it on babeh~

怎知半夜忽然惊醒,发觉自己被熊熊和被单缠着无法动弹 m( O . O)m。

Sweet Dream attempt no.1 ...... Failed.